Duet Silhouette Dancers at Abandon Theater

Duet Silhouette Dancers at Abandon Theater

Lucas first contacted Neal Urban Photography for portfolio photos to show around to colleges. There was a huge college dance convention and he needed to show off photos. Neal Urban wanted to create something these colleges have never seen. Mom and dad were so excited for Lucas and had seen Neal Urban Photograph's work and knew he could create something different. The session was done at Neal Urban Studio in Buffalo. Neal Urban Photography created a stunning portfolio album for him to take around to the schools!

Neal Urban Photography knew we wanted to work with Lucas again and had an idea. Mom and dad had told us about another amazing dancer Hannah, who danced with Lucas. Neal Urban Photography contacted both Lucas and Hannah for an idea to dance together at an abandon. Theater. This was how Neal Urban Photography kicked off their Abandon Dance Theater Series. The dancers practiced different dance moves and styles on their own and this was a favorite.

Neal Urban Photography brought in back drops, studio lighting, and even a smoke machine to make the session even more fun and dramatic. Both Lucas and Hannah are very critical of their movements and wanted perfection. Neal Urban loved this part of the sessions, working one on one (and together) with the dancers to nail everything. Both of their movements are stunning. Neal Urban Studio wanted to play around with silhouettes and lights for some of the photos. The shadows extend out from arms and toes of both dancers!

They both danced at Janet Dunstan Dance in Lewiston NY. Lucas went on to Elite Dance Company in Buffalo NY. Both assist in teaching, as well as compete in multiple competitions. Neal Urban Collections designed some beautiful albums and prints for both Hannah and Lucas. Neal Urban Photography also has sample albums and prints in Neal Urban Studio from this session to show other dancers.

Elite Dance Company

Legacy Dance Studio

Janet Dunstan Dance

American Academy of Ballet

David DeMarie Dance Studios

Neglia Ballet

Hoffman School Of Dance

Tonawanda Dance Arts

Time To Dance

Niagara Dance Academy

Sam Smith School of Dance

Lewiston Dance Center

Buffalo Dance Center

Royal Academy of Ballet

Boston Ballet School

National Ballet of Canada

Fusion Dance Studio

Adell’s School of Dance

Step in Time Studio of Dance

Niagara Dance Centre Ltd

Configuration Dance Theatre and School of Ballet

Ignite Dance Competition

UDA National Dance Team Championship

Florida Dance Masters

Turn it up Dance Challenge

Starquest Dance Competition

New York City Ballet

The Julliard School

Grand Island Dance

Classical Ballet of WNY





Grande jete



Tour en l’air











temps lève



Location: Janet Dunstan Dance Lewiston NY.